Here I go again. I have joined the 2014 Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team and will be running this year's Boston Marathon on April 21st, 2014. This will be my eighth marathon, fourth Boston Marathon, and fourth time running for such an amazing cause.

I will be running 26.2 miles in honor of my Mother, a breast cancer survivor. I am also running in memory of my Grandfather James H. Smith, Grandmother Nancy Baumhauer, Uncle Ray Saddington, and friends Patricia Marchetti, Frances Angino, Anthony Marchetti Sr. and Heather Thibodeau.

A full 100% of funds raised by DFMC benefit the Claudia Adams Barr Program in innovative cancer research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, widely recognized as one of the largest and most successful programs of its kind. Based on rigorous and highly selective process, the Barr Program funds the brightest, most creative scientists making research discoveries that are transforming cancer treatment. Barr investigators have made numerous major breakthroughs resulting in improved survival rates and quality of life for thousands of patients everywhere.

I need your help. I have committed to raise $4000 to run for this cause but my goal is to raise over $9000. You can help by making a donation for this amazing cause, to find a cure for cancer.

Click here to support my cause.

Thank you in advance for your support. It really means so much to me.

Nancy C. Smith

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The moments that changed my life forever

I had just crossed the finish line when it happened. At the time I was so excited since I had a personal best by 7 minutes and finally broke 4 hours with a 3:58 finish.  After I crossed the finish line I saw my coach and gave him a hug, I continued down the finish shoot getting my medal and mylar blanket. 
I then heard and and felt what seemed like a cannon, I looked behind me and saw a cloud of smoke go up in the air.
If you look at the photos below, I was next to the yellow powerbar tents when this happened. I then felt, heard and saw the second explosion.  Myself along with all the other runners started running, having no idea what was happening.  I got my bag off the baggage bus, as I was getting some warm clothes on people started stampeding saying that their was a gun man, "run, duck for cover, gun man!", rumors that had formed I now know.  At the time I obviously took the word of the panicked runners and ran with my head down and ducked behind the baggage buses, got trapped between the buses and barricades (that were to keep others out of the finish area), a police officer lifted the barricade to let us out, then we lined up against a building (in front of Brooks Brothers and Cartier on Newbury Street) shielding us until we knew if we needed to keep on running.  It's amazing what adrenaline does.  After running 26.2 miles, it was easy to sprint to safety.  At the building shielding us I found a teammate.  I didn't know her but saw her jersey and her and I held hands (literally) until we both made it to the Copley Marriott, where the Dana-Farber marathon weekend headquarters was.  There I was reunited with Josh.  After only 30 minutes at the recovery zone at the Marriott we were evacuated.  An explosion at the Boston Public Library across the street caused an evacuation of the entire area.  Apparently that explosion was not related to the finish line bombings.  From there I went to Josh's friends house who only lives a few blocks from the Marriott. I was able to reunite with Jimmy and Hunter at 7:30pm in Brookline for much needed pizza and beer.  Since all of this I have been interviewed by 2 French news channels, 1 Australian channel, a Russian channel, a Houston sports network, and Boston Magazine.  Below is the link to one of the french articles, and also my interview with Sports talk live in Houston.  The french article was live om their news and then they wrote an article as well.  I'm trying to mentally recover from the horrific event.  It really set in on Tuesday.   Not sure what was worse for me, this or 9/11. 
Please read my following blog post about my happy memories.

French Interview:

Houston Sportstalk live:

Boston Magazine:

1 comment:

  1. From: Darin Armstrong #TeamLIVESTRONG

    Hello Nancy,
    Just a quick email to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘anytime’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners #Marathoners #FitnessProfessionals who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned for support…)

    All the very best for 2013 & beyond Nancy. Look forward to hearing from you…

