Here I go again. I have joined the 2014 Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team and will be running this year's Boston Marathon on April 21st, 2014. This will be my eighth marathon, fourth Boston Marathon, and fourth time running for such an amazing cause.

I will be running 26.2 miles in honor of my Mother, a breast cancer survivor. I am also running in memory of my Grandfather James H. Smith, Grandmother Nancy Baumhauer, Uncle Ray Saddington, and friends Patricia Marchetti, Frances Angino, Anthony Marchetti Sr. and Heather Thibodeau.

A full 100% of funds raised by DFMC benefit the Claudia Adams Barr Program in innovative cancer research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, widely recognized as one of the largest and most successful programs of its kind. Based on rigorous and highly selective process, the Barr Program funds the brightest, most creative scientists making research discoveries that are transforming cancer treatment. Barr investigators have made numerous major breakthroughs resulting in improved survival rates and quality of life for thousands of patients everywhere.

I need your help. I have committed to raise $4000 to run for this cause but my goal is to raise over $9000. You can help by making a donation for this amazing cause, to find a cure for cancer.

Click here to support my cause.

Thank you in advance for your support. It really means so much to me.

Nancy C. Smith

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Beauty Bash Cancer Benefit

Please join me at James Joseph Salon on Sunday, February 17 from 6:30-9:30pm for a night of hairstyling, makeup, manicures, food and cocktails.  Their will also be an opportunity drawing as well as a silent auction.   Tickets are $50 in advance or $55 at the door.  To purchase opportunity drawing and admission tickets please email me  Act fast, only a limited amount of tickets available. Bring all of your friends!!  I hope to see you there!

Monday, December 17, 2012

And so it begins.....

I have officially signed up to run the 2013 Boston Marathon for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.  I'm very excited to be starting strong this season.  I just completed the first week of training, only 17 more to go.  Stay tuned for more information about my fundraiser "Beauty Bash Cancer Benefit" on Sunday, February 17, 2013, 6:30-9:30, Presidents Day weekend at James Joseph Salon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Finished!!

The weekend started with the Sports expo where I picked up my bib and official race shirt and of course some memorabilia.  I met some very cool people there including Olympian Meb Keflezighi and the first women to run the Boston Marathon Kathrine Switzer.  The story of Kathrine's first run is awesome, I recommend googling it.  I also jumped in a picture with Dean Karnazes, the "Ultra Marathon Man".

Monday's forecast was not ideal.  The reports called for 70 degrees at the start and 90 at the finish.  I'm not a good runner in the heat.  Sure enough the weather report was correct.  I started the race very conservatively thinking I could pick up the pace after the Newton hills.  That was not exactly what happened.  There was no shade and we were all just cooking on the black pavement.  I decided very early in the race that I will take my time, have fun, and just get back to Boston with a medal on my neck.  I have many wonderful and funny memories from the race.  In Ashland, at about 11am, there was about 100 people dressed in leather completely drunk outside a biker bar cheering us on.  That made me laugh. Along the entire route residents were out with hoses, sprinklers, ice, candy, pretzels, water and gatorade for us.  There were bands playing music all along the way.  The scream tunnel in Wellesley (mile 13) is always one of my favorite moments, this year I filmed it.  The Wellesley girls can be heard from a mile away cheering on the runners, all with signs offering good luck kisses.  Here is the link to my scream tunnel video.  My brother Jim and nephew Hunter jumped in with me at mile 15.  We ran past team Hoyt at about mile 18 which was exciting to see them.  Hunter ran with me almost to mile 20.  That's the furthest he's ever run. It was hilarious approaching Boston College.  A very drunk student was cheering Hunter on calling him the "s*&%!" for being the youngest marathoner ever.  After Jim and Hunter left me I had only 6 miles to go.  A very long 6 miles!  Passing Boston College was fun with them yelling "Go Nancy" and endless high fives.  Then at mile 23.5 I passed Julie's house where Julie, Kashmir, and Emily cheered me on and gave me much needed oranges, salt, and water.  2.5 miles later I crossed the finish line 1 hour, 20 minutes past my target.  Oh well.  Despite the weather and my very long run, it was the most fun I've had in a marathon.  Everyone [runners, volunteers, residents] supported each other.  It wasn't about racing, it was about helping everyone get back to Boston safely.  I ate so many oranges, candy, water and ice from random people, I'm surprised I didn't get a strange illness.  I'm sure next year we'll have better weather and I can run a faster race.  I appreciate all of your support.  Thank you to everyone who has donated, I raised almost $6300 this year alone for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

36 hours and counting

I'm only 36 hours from running my 2nd Boston Marathon, 4th marathon all together.  I'm very excited!  I met some very iconic people today at the expo.  Meb Keflezighi, Olympic silver medalist and also on our 2012 U.S. Olympic team, and Kathrine Switzer, the first registered women to run the Boston Marathon.
I was quite stressed for a few days until today.  The weather they are calling for is exactly what I was praying we would not have.  At the starting line it will be in the high 60's, by the time I get to Boston it will be almost 90 degrees.  Luckily we have 10-20 mph tail winds the entire way.  I am typically not a good runner in the heat.  Since this year I was already expecting to run slower because of a hamstring injury, I'm not as bummed that I'll have to run slower because of the heat.  I'm going to enjoy this race and run it at the pace my body can handle.
 My strategy is, I'm taking a bus to Hopkington and I need to get back to Boston somehow.  Best way for me to get there is to run.  I'm going to look forward to a few points in the race, Kim at mile 6, Wellesley scream tunnel at mile 13, Jim and Hunter at mile 17, Gail at mile 20, the drunks at BC at mile 21, my coworkers geared with water, salt, oranges, sponges, and 5 hour energy at mile 23.5, Jim and Hunter to join me for the last few at mile 24.5, DFMC patients and supports at mile 25, the insane cheering at Kenmore at mile 25.5, and then of course the finish line.  With the warm weather it will bring out even more supporters.  I'm also really looking forward to a glass of wine, a cupcake and a greasy bacon cheese burger at Eastern Standard after the marathon.  I gave up good food and drinks for the last month leading up to the big day so that will be quite the reward!  80% of what gets me to the finish line is mental.  Having mental markers throughout the race will help make 26.2 feel shorter.  If I can spend weeks training doing 20 mile runs around the 1.6 mile per lap Chestnut Hill Reservoir, I can run a 26.2 mile straight line with supporters.
24 more hours of carbo and salt-loading.  That's right, salt-loading.  Salt will help me retain water for a hot marathon and of course the carbs to fuel my muscles with glycogen.  
Time for the fun to begin.  My next post will be post-marathon.  Yippy!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Wow am I excited or what?!

Only 10 days until the marathon and I only have a few runs left.  The taper is going well but I always want to run more than I should.  Wednesday I was able to run some bunny hills along the Charles River, I will do the same on Sunday for my 8-10 mile long run.  I can't wait for a cupcake and a glass of wine after the marathon.  I have cut alcohol and junk food out of my diet until the big day.  I have now raised $6000 for the 2012 Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge.  Thank you everyone for your support!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Two weeks away

Yesterday I completed my 20 mile run.  That is the furthest I will run before the marathon.  It went very well.  I have been running along the Brighton Reservoir to protect my injured hamstring.  I'm getting very excited and I feel strong and ready to go.  To track me during the marathon text the word "runner" to 345678.  After you receive a text back reply with my bib number 23421.  I am going to be runner slower than originally planned due to my lack of training for the last 5 weeks.  Hopefully I can beat a 4:20 but we'll see.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Race day is approaching

With race day fast approaching I am getting very excited and a little nervous.  I have been recovering from a hamstring injury which has been nagging me for almost a month.  I started physical therapy this week and I hope my PT works her magic and I run the marathon pain free.....of the hamstring that is.  I know that their will be a general pain from head to toe, usually starting at mile 17 getting a little worse every mile for the next 9 miles.  Why do I do this you ask?  Experiencing people cheering me on for an entire 26.2 miles, the general sense of accomplishment, raising much needed funds to help find a cure for cancer, and last but not least, the taste of that first beer and burger after I finish.  It's the best beer you will ever taste, even if it's a Miller Light.  I'm really looking forward to my brother Jim and nephew Hunter to come up and cheer me on and hopefully run the last few miles for me.  Hunter, who is 7 just raced his first 5k in 27 minutes and placed 3rd in his age group.  I'm hoping he will pace me to the finish line since he'll want to be running much faster than I.  I'd love to bring him through the finish line, we'll see what the day brings.   I'm also very excited to see my friends who are having a marathon party at mile 23, an area I will need extra support to get me to the finish.  I still have my 20-ish mile training run still hanging over my head.  I'm doing that next weekend.  After that, the joyous taper until the big day. 
My bib number is 23421.  To get text updates on my progress during the marathon text the word "runner" to 345678.  You will then receive a text back.  Reply with my bib number and then you are all set.
Stay tuned to my blog for more updates.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just topped $5500!

Thank you for all of your generous donations and support.  Between the hat sales, Date for Dana-Farber, and the support of my friends and family I have now raised over $5500.  My goal is to raise $7000 by race day, with your help I can reach that goal.  Tonight was our final runners meeting at Dana-Farber.  I got a little emotional realizing we are only 3 1/2 weeks away until we take this incredible journey from Hopkington to Boston, all to help find a cure for cancer.  Jack Foltz, my coach who also won the Boston marathon in 1976, lent us very useful advise on how to make our way from Hopkington to Boston as smooth as possible.  Jack's marathon win was and still is, the hottest temperatures ever recorded for the Boston Marathon, a toasty 96 degrees.  With all this warm beautiful weather we have been having, has us all praying that we don't break his record!  The meeting got me very excited for the marathon.  I'm pumped and ready to go.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Date for Dana-Farber Update

Thank you to everyone who participated in Date for Dana-Farber.  All of my volunteers and their winning bidders have been going on their dates.  Have their been any love matches........we'll have to wait and see.  The Date for Dana-Farber website raised over $2500 which slashed my goal of $1500!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Date for Dana-Farber!

I am hosting a fundraiser, "Date for Dana-Farber" which will auction off 20 single men and women.  Each bachelor/bachelorette is paired with an activity such as dinner, bowling, movies, etc. so bidders can bid on someone they want to date or  bid on a friend to have a fun night out.  Please visit from February 1st to February 29th.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 DFMC race hats for sale NOW!

The proceeds will benefit DFMC as my fundraising project. 

Available at Team Meetings - Group Runs - Crossroads - Marathon Weekend
Black or White
$22 each
Shipping for an additional $7 per order
Please email me at for further questions or if you would like me to hold one aside for you.  

Here are the specifics of the hat from headsweats:

The Coolmax ® Fabric shell and COOLMAX® Fabric terry headband create maximum air flow and moisture transfer.

  • Our most popular and comfortable hat
  • Classic style run hat with a flat front panel,perfect for custom logo application
  • #1 custom hat style in the line; both heat transfer and embroidery
  • INVISTA® certified sun protection
  • Less than 2 oz
  • Adjustable rear buckle with ponytail portal
  • Machine washable
 Graphic Design by  Christina Koutrobis,